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Elegant and Everyday Glass Forum Museum of American Glass in Weswt Virginia Elegant and Everyday Glass Gallery
Glass Etch and Pattern Gallery

Hocking Kitchen Cannister
Hocking Kitchen Cannister

Hocking Kitchen Cannister
Vertically ribbed crystal cannister. Round Refrigerator dishes have also been found in this pattern. The Refrigerator dishes are found in crystal and pink and jade-ite with crystal lids. There is a picture of a jade-ite one in
Keller & Ross "Jadite" 3rd edition which has a label on it which says "Refrigerator Storage Jar Left-Overs Anchor Hocking".

The refrigerator dishes have a look-a-like made by Federal but the Federal refrigerator dishes have a plain bottom while the Hocking ones have a circular ribbed pattern. The cannisters have a plain bottom but are made by Hocking.

It's been reported that Anchor Hocking has reproduced the cannisters but we don't have a picture of them yet for comparison.
Date: 26.01.2005 11:14
Hits: 2455
Added by: Jo Davis

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